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Short-Term CDs

Get competitive rates with a short-term commitment.

No need to commit your money for long periods of time to get a great interest rate. Try a Short-Term CD instead. Regular terms of 3, 6 and 9 months are available, as are special terms designed to meet your specific financial goals.

Use our calculator to see how investing in a CD can grow your money.

Long-Term CDs

Invest your money longer and earn even more.

Lock in a higher rate when you choose a Long-Term CD. Choose a term from 1 to 5 years to best meet your future financial needs. Your interest compounds quarterly, and for convenience your CD automatically renews at maturity.

Use our calculator to see how investing in a CD can grow your money.

CD DirectSave

Make investing turnkey thanks to CD DirectSave. Set up automatic deposits from your Blue Grass Federal checking account into a 6-month CD.

DirectSave automates savings with electronic monthly contributions to your account for an incredibly easy savings plan.

You get a competitive interest rate, a practical 6-month term, convenient monthly statements, and automatic renewal when the account matures. And it only takes a $250 balance to get started.

Use our calculator to see how investing in a CD can grow your money.

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New and improved, online banking is a streamlined, secure and flexible way to make managing your money easier in ways you never knew you needed.

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Invest the mutual way.

As a mutual bank customer, your money goes to work in our communities. Every dollar helps people buy homes and grow local businesses. It’s the mutual bank difference.

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Down-Size Your Home, Right-Size Your Life

You are attached to your home. That is natural: Your children grew up in this home. You spent long hours with your spouse in this home. You’ve celebrated holidays, anniversaries…

Special Situations to Consider Before Starting Social Security

It makes financial sense to wait to collect your Social Security benefits until you hit full retirement age: 66 if you were born between 1943 and 1954 and as old…

Student Loan Repayment Options

You’ve graduated from college with a new degree and lots — a whole lot — of student-loan debt. The good news is that depending on the type of loans you…

Now That You’ve Graduated: Repaying Your Student Loans

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Understanding Student Loans

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Stretch Your Retirement Budget

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Managing Your Retirement Funds

The secret to a happy retirement? There are probably many. However, not having to worry if you’ll run out of money is certainly near the top of the list. The…